I failed to mention in our first post (very long ago, i know) that we are calling the little one "BUD" for Baby Uterine Dweller. So if you hear me refer to baby UD, its not a derogatory thing, just the endearing truth. Its amazing to think i'm already heading out of this first trimester and yet at the same time I cannot wait for month 8 and the finality of then holding our little one for the first time.
This past week marked a great change in my level of energy. My energy is bordering normal (thank goodness) but this tiny baby is causing lots of trouble as it tries to grow big enough to come out of my lower abdomen. This trouble includes squishing my insides namely my bladder. Oh well, thank goodness for pubmed and the ability to research your own diagnoses and come up with your own treatment plan for such issues! I think it should resolve itself pretty soon though.
Also to note this week, I'm finally beginning to think about the prospect of stretchy pants. Not necessarily wearing them, just preparing myself for the day of reckoning.
Th most important part of the week was when I went with my dear mother in law (Sarah) to my first ultrasound to rule out the possibility of twins. My sweet hubby was at clinic all day, but thrilled to hear the news that i am carrying just one, 6 cm long bundle of energy. We have pictures of a little face, little hands, little feet. It was so neat to see it move and jump around, though as much as I focus on it I cannot seem to feel it! Maybe soon!
We are coming to Houston to visit family and friends next week. Hooray! As much as we miss Texas, it is amazing to wake up and see a mountain with snowy peaks on your way to work. We are loving Albuquerque, and working on getting our house in order while we still have the time.
Visitors are more than welcome!